Local tomatoes are partly sour and partly sweet and contain many seeds inside which are edible. The red colour present in tomatoes is due to lycopene, an anti-oxidant.
Fresh, and delicious tomatoes are a summertime favourite. Tomatoes are perfect for sauces and salsas, or try marinating them in herbs and olive oil for an easy appetizer. Enjoy a delicious cup of tomato soup on a lazy afternoon or simply use it as a pizza topping on an exciting evening watching your favourite sports.
- Tomatoes contain Vitamin C,K. lycopene, an antioxidant that reduces the risk of cancer and heart-diseases.
- They protect the eyes from light induced damage.
- Essential for pregnant women as these tomatoes protect infants against neural tube defects.
Storage and Uses
- Store tomatoes stem side down in a single layer, at room temperature, away from the sunlight.
- Ripe tomatoes should be refrigerated if they need to be stored for a long time.
- Tomatoes are used in salads, soups, curries, pickles, etc. Tomatoes that are cooked with a touch of oil gives more lycopene than raw ones.