Pitambari Deepshakti Oil 1Lt : The significance of lighting a lamp in Hinduism:- The flames of a lamp continually burn upwards and similarly be supposed to attain such knowledge to take us towards higher values. It's a custom to light a lamp initially before starting any auspicious events or ceremonies. Pitambari’s Deepshakti is a personified version of light and brightness. Focusing on the spiritual significance of lighting a lamp and cost effectivity, Pitambari developed non-edible (sesame) oil specially designed for lighting lamps.
- Pitambari Deepshakti is specially designed and Developed with goodness for Lighting of Diyas and Lamp.
- It is Non-edible oil, which gives light, bright enough, long lasting and rise up the wick.
- This oil possesses excellent processing features wherein it is smokeless, soothing, virtually odorless, provides a great flame and is longer lasting. In the midst of this celestial atmosphere, you experience a peace of mind.