Kapoor Goli is being used for ages to promote a healthy vibrant ambiance filled with vitality and freshness. Ancient Indian masters have advocated the use of burning camphor tablets to promote mental relaxation and increase mental faculties. When you need to meditate or contemplate in worship the purifying effects of camphor provide the perfect means as it is natural. For purity that speaks for itself, it's in harmony with your devotion. Pure camphor symbolizes union with God as it burns completely. It dispels negativity, keeps one healthy and attracts prosperity, just like 100% pure Shudh Online camphor. Shudh Online products are selectively sourced, with great emphasis on purity and authenticity and are 100% natural ayurvedic products.
- WHY PRAY WITH CAMPHOR - Pure campore symbolizes union with God as it burns completely, leaving behind no trace. Kapur for Puja and Aarti dispels negativity bringing positivity, keeps one healthy, and attracts prosperity.
- TEST FOR PURITY OF CAMPHOR - Pure camphor burns completely smokeless without sparking and leaves behind NO residue.
- EASY TO BURN - Kampoor produces long-lasting flames which spread positive energy. We are packing Champhor Tablets for Puja first in the plastic bottle then in plastic bag.
- HOW TO USE - Fresh Campor is ideal for daily use during Hindu Pooja, Poja aartis, and meditation at home with a diffuser. It quickly spreads its excellent Camphor Fragrance in the entire room avoids bad odor and generates a refreshing atmosphere that lasts an entire day.
- 100% PURE and NATURAL - All Shudh Online products are organic Puja products are natural products with no additives. We use fresh and pure ayurvedic ingredients processed as per traditional texts. Packed in food grade resealable zipper pouch which is easy to use.